Monday 7 April 2014

3 games, 3 wins - a weekend of sport

A couple of years ago there was a rule that one of my teams lost in a particular weekend.  If I'd woken up Saturday morning to a Toronto Raptors loss, then Bolton Wanderers would invariably win.  These days, I can't cope.  Both teams winning at once.  Please don't stop.

I managed to watch the win against the Pacers first thing Saturday morning on League Pass.  I've been so impressed with Valanciunas' progress in the last fortnight.  He had a tough slump to break through but now he seems to have simplified his game and focusing on fundamentals.  He looks so much better for it, setting good screens and following up with some important offensive rebounds.  

I hope there was an important lesson learned too about - as the IGBT called it - poking the bear.  The set-to between Salmons and George was fun but it gave the All-Star all the fire he needed to go on a run.  I wouldn't want to do that too often in a play-off series.  

The follow up game against Bucks was a bit more disjointed.  A lot has been made of the "easy" run-in (and really, 2 games against a Knicks team that needs to win doesn't make this easy) and we'll have to hope the players can wake up for games like this.  Pleasing to see T-Ross come of age too and his 3 seems to be coming back just in time for play-offs.

For BWFC I was confined to radio, which always makes me think of following the team in the 90s.  It was a great surprise to get a late goal, nice 3 points and solid clean sheet.  Not quite sure what we're playing for now, we seem to be in no-mans-land but considering there was a point I thought we might go down, I'll take that.

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